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OCR: The W.S. Department of Energy ory Capability Computer Incident Advisory Capab CIAZ INFORMATION NOTE Good Times Vires Hoax Hunter 35-03:@pell 24, 177 This edition of CINC Hutus describes the recent rebirth of "Good Times", and reiterates CIMC's previous position that "Good Times" is a hoax. Please send your connests and feedback to clacallel . you. Reference to any specific commercial product does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, reconneadation or favoring by CIC, the University of Califorsia, or the United States Coveronest, There Is a rebirth of the "Good Times" urban legend. Clic and other response teans, along with the Federal Communications Commission and feceic have received mnerous queries regarding the validity of the Kond fines" . The current "Good Times" message appears to be a repeat of the ho perpetuated last December. CINC first released Cinc NOTES 94-04 in December 1934 which is titled ""THE "Good Times' VIRUS IS AN URBAN LEGEND. " The original "Good Times" message that was posted and circulated contained the following! Here is some important information. Beware of a file called Goodt inca. Happy Chamikah everyone, and be careful out there, There Is a virus on finerica Daline being sent by E-Mail. If you get anything called "Good Times". DON'T read it or download it. It Is a virus that will erase your hard drive. Forward this to all your friends, It may help then a lot, Soon after the release of CIRC NOTES of, amother "Good Times" circulated. This is the same sexsage that is being circulated during this recent "Good Times" rebirth. This message includes a claim that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) released a warning about the danger of the "Good Times" virus. This "Good Times" hoax message contains the following The FCC released a warning last Wednesday concerning a matter of na jar inportance to any rogalar mer of the Internet. fyparent ly. a new computer virus has been engineered by a sier of frerica |Online that is amparalleled in its destructluc capability. Other, nare well-known viruses sich as Stoned, Airvelf, and Michaclangele pale in comparison to the prospects of this mewest creation ba a warped mentality. What makes this virus so terrifying, said the FCC, Is the fact that no progran needs t ds to be exchanged for a veu computer to be infected. ... ( stuff deleted ) . CIMc contacted the FCC to ensure that this reference was fabricated and that "Good Times" Is truly a hoax. Haling malicious code inaluare) buried in the body of an E-mail message that would "Infect" your computer is not a very likely possibility because characters in an I-mail message are displayed, not executed. CIAc still affires that reading E-mail. asing typical mail agents, will not oct foute malware delivered in er with the message. Many people belleus "in theory" that saluare can be delivered and actiusted ha sanc nall agents that have automated services, fe enangle of such na luare in mail delivered to a PC that has embedded, seemingly imvisible escape sequences which affect screen display or progran the keyboard to do sone nastiness when some key is "accident ly" pressed, The following is an Facerpt Legend. Tron CIRC NOTES 65 which included and update to the "Good Times" urban Cinc did mot claim that E-mail could not be a delivery agent for naleare. real thecat comes from attached files which could contain viruses or Tro jas programs, You should scan amy garcutable attacheest before warcating it is Sane tameg that is Scan all rew software before using it to create a file that renaps keys uten displayed on a PC-MS-DOS machine with Is possible the WG1.Sts driver loaded. however, this only works on PC/H5-DES machines with the test displayed on the screen in text mode. It would not work in Windows or in most text oliters or mailers. A key could ey could be renappe However, the prodace any connand sequence when pressed, for example DEL er FURT. mand is not funund unt le renapped to 11 the remapped kry is prexued and the aund until the renap conand Issued by the renapped kry would be visible so the screen. You could protect yourself laj removing MM31.313 from the CONFIG.SYS file, but many DOS program use the functionality of An31.SYS to control screen functions and colors. Windows programs are not effected by MAGI.SYS, though a DOS program Fussing is Windous would be. Mio is CINC? CINC Is the U.S. Department of Energy's Computer Incident Advisory Capability. Established in 1309, shortly after the Internet Worn, CIAC provides various computer security services free of charge ta engloees and contractors of the DCE, such as: Incident Handling Comulting Computer Security Information Dersite Workshops White hat fudita CINC is located at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Livermore, California, and is a part of its Computer Security technology Center. Further Information can be found at CIRC. Cinc is also a founding member of FIRST, the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams, a global and coordination among organization established to foster cooperation and coordination anon computer security teams worldwide. See FikSt for more details. CINC, the Computer Incident Alulsory Capability, Is the computer security Incident response team for the U.S. Department of Energy, CIAC is located at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboralom pal Laboratory in Livermore, California, Cinc is also a founding member of FIRST, the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams, a global organization established to foster cooperation and coord ination anony computer security trans worldwide. CINC services are available to DUE and DUE contractors, and can be contacted Malice : 590-422-8133 STU-111: 500-123-0062 E-mail: 550-123-2644 clacellal-gou For emergencies and off-hour assistance, DE and DE contracter sites may contact CINC 24-hours a day. During off hours (5PH - 6AM PST), call the CINC volice menter $10-422-0110 and leave a message, or call 000-759-7247 1800-SKY-PIGE) to send a Shy Page. Cinc has two Say Page PIN menbers, the primary PIN number. 8560070. is for the CINC duty person, and the secondary PIN number, 8550074 Is for the CIRC Project Leader. Previous CIAC notices, anti-virus software, pap public keyj. and other Information are available from the CIRC Computer Security Archive. World Wide Web: Hodon access Clac. llel.gom ( 4510) 123-4753 414.15 band) (550) 423-3331 43600 band) Cinc has several self-subscribing mailing lists for electronic publications: 1. CIRC-BULLETIN for faultories, highest priority - ting critical Information and Bulletins, important computer security Information; 2. CIRC-NOTts for Rates, a collection of computer security articles; 3. SP1 WPHOUNCE for official reus about Security Profile laspector (SPI) software updates, mow features, distribution and availability: 4. SPI-HOTES, for discussion of problems and solutions regarding the use of SP1 products. Our mailing lists are managed by a public domain software package called ListProcessor, which ignores E-mail header subject lines, Bo subscribe fald yourself'> to one of our mailing lists, sead the following request as the E-mail message body. sabatitating CIAC-BULLETIN, CIAC-MUTES. SPI ANNOUNCE or SPI-NOTES for list-mane and valid information for Lasthane FirstHang and Phonehunber when sending E-mail to ciac-listprocellel .you: subscribe list nane Lasthane, FirstRare Phonehinder e.g ., subscribe clac-notes O'hara, Scarlett W. 104-535-1212 x36 You will receive an acknowledgrent containing address. initial PIN. . Information on how to he lip. then, cancel your subscription, or get This document was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government ver the University of California mor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or ausines amj legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completesess, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product. or process disclosed, or represents that its ase would not infringe priustely oused rights. Reference herein to any specific comercial products, process, for service ly trade vare, trademark, samfactaree, or otherwise, does not cessarily comtitute or imply its endorsene ment, recenrelation or faweing Ba the United States Goverment or the University of California. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Goveronest ce the University of California, and shall not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes. End of Clic Rotes haber "35-49 95_1_21